A foot blister forms when fluid fills a space between layers of skin on the feet. They can come from walking too much, wearing tight shoes, or not wearing socks with shoes. Friction is the usual cause of blisters, but things like excessive moisture can clog pores on the feet, sunburn, and allergic reactions can also result in blisters. Blisters are not dangerous in and of themselves, but they can become worse or infected if they do not heal. If you find that you are getting blisters on your feet and know the cause, there are measures you can take to treat and prevent them. With excessive moisture at the root of blister development, wearing sweat-wicking socks and breathable shoes can be helpful. Hydrating well and using cold compresses or a cool shower or bath can help relieve the effects of sunburn blisters. It is important to identify the allergen if you believe you are developing blisters from an allergic reaction. Such allergies might be poison ivy or latex. Avoiding the irritant is best but using medications to alleviate inflammation and itching should help. There are other reasons blisters can form on the feet and if they do not heal in a reasonable time or become worse, it is suggested that a chiropodist be consulted to properly identify the root cause of these annoying irritations and to treat them appropriately.
Blisters can usually be treated at home, however, if you have recurring blisters or experience significant discomfort or pain, please consult with Paul A. Scotti, D.Ch from West Toronto Foot & Ankle Clinic Inc. . Our chiropodist will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.
What Is a Blister?
A blister is a small pocket of fluid in the upper skin layers and is one of the body’s natural responses to injury or pressure. Blisters can also result from burns, fungal or viral skin infections, and the feet are particularly prone due to ill-fitting footwear and friction. Friction on the skin causes the upper layer of skin to separate from the lower layers. The space that this separation creates then becomes filled with a liquid called serum, which protects the lower layers of skin.
If you notice a blister on your foot, you can cover it with a soft bandage or dressing to protect it. Popping the blister is discouraged. Doing so exposes the raw skin underneath it to bacteria and also raises the risk of infection. If a blister pops naturally, let it drain before covering it with a bandage. Blisters usually heal on their own or with home treatment, however, if your blister is recurring, very painful, or appears infected, it is recommended that you see a chiropodist for treatment.
You can help to prevent blisters by wearing comfortable, well-fitted shoes. Keep your feet dry by wearing moisture-wicking socks and dust your feet with talcum powder if they tend to get sweaty. If you have areas on your feet that are more susceptible to blisters, you might be able to prevent the blister from forming by covering it with a pad.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.